Why are breweries so scared to do this one thing?

Here’s something I’ve noticed brewery owners are really scared to do, but it’s dead simple and can help them stand out big time: doubling down on what makes them unique.

I’m speaking to more and more breweries, and they often say, “We have a few things that make us awesome: top-quality products, great beer, a sense of community, eco-friendliness, and we’re bike-themed.” But here’s the thing—four out of five of those points are the same things every other brewery is talking about. Then there’s that one thing, that unique factor, which breweries know makes them different but are almost scared to really focus on.

Here’s my two pence worth: it’s fantastic that you have all these strong selling points, but (and its a massive but!) if they’re the same as everyone else’s, they won’t help you stand out. I’m not saying get rid of your quality products or your community spirit, but lead with what makes you different and double down on it.

If you’re the bike-focused brewery, or the female-only led brewery, then make that your standout feature. That’s what will turn heads and engage your audience. When you look at your consumer types, especially the beer tickers who want to try different beers from various breweries, they’re looking for that unique factor.

So, have a bit of confidence. Work out what truly makes you different, and then put those other bits to one side. Double down on what sets you apart.


Magical brewery p’s


You can do more for your brewery… well your personal brand can!